
30 June: tall habit, a little botytis, deadhead, nice uniform color, huge, mounding habit.

15 July: mounding and tall habit, older blooms fade, color not uniform, very pink, massive growth in last two weeks, good for an open area, big impact for big spaces.

30 July: hedge-like, tall, vigorous, no deadheading needed, massive hedge of color, aggressive, flowers look satiny, plants not uniform, erect, showy.

15 Aug: not as floriferous as others, browning foliage, starting to get botrytis, yet to need deadheading, dying back, not as full as others in Cadenza series but nice color.

30 Aug: a little botrytis starting, leggy bare stems, unimpressive, still many flowers.

15 Sept: beginning to decline, lots of blooms, interior is decaying, flowers still nice, foliage dying, very leggy, some dieback.